Book Fair information for the 2023-2024 school year is COMING SOON. Information below is from the 2022-2023 school year.
Scholastic Book Fair and Ice Cream Social
April 25th – April 28th, 2023
The spring Scholastic book fair is April 25th – April 28th, with the Ice Cream Social on Friday. Proceeds from the spring book fair go directly to the Donlon library to purchase new books for our students.
Interested in helping out? We’re looking for volunteers to help with set up and sales during the fair. We will provide a brief training on how to use the Scholastic cash registers too! Sign up here .
The Ice Cream Social is scheduled for Friday, April 28th. This event is a complimentary community builder and a favorite event for our Donlon students as we will have some of our wonderful Donlon teachers and administrators on hand to help serve ice cream. Families are welcome! Please come and join the fun!
Please note that in order to shop at the book fair after school, students must be accompanied by an adult.
Book Fair Hours:
Tuesday, April 25th 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Wednesday, April 26th TK/K ONLY 1:10pm – 2:00pm; 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Thursday, April 27th 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Friday, April 28th Book Fair & Ice Cream Social 5:00pm – 7:00pm
We need volunteers to make these events a success. Please help if you can!
Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up
Ice Cream Social Volunteer Sign Up
Ice Cream Social Toppings Donation Sign Up
If you have any questions, please contact:
Jackie Grant (Book Fair) @ auditor.donlonpta@gmail.com or
Shareka Pentony (Ice Cream Social) @ treasurer.donlonpta@gmail.com